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orchid plants are plants that are found in the humid forests of which many types of orchids. Dendrobium kelamense D.Metusala, PO Byrne and JJWood.dan also rare types of orchids types of orchids are rare and protected by the government include kebutan orchid, black orchids, orchids and other Hartinah lain.masih much more kind.

Title : Orchid
Description : orchid plants are plants that are found in the humid forests of which many types of orchids. Dendrobium kelamense D.Metusala, PO Byrne a...

1 Response to "Orchid"

  1. cabtik bgt anggreknya, emg gampang-gampang susah ngerawat anggrek...
    tpi low dah berbunga biasanya berbunga truz...!!!
